Gospel Chukwu
Goal-driven professional with a multifarious background in web design, frontend and backend development, responsive mobile-first programming for static and dynamically rendered contents. iDeliver Results !Reports.
Technical Skills
ReactJS, NodeJS, VueJS, Express, ES6, Figma, Draw.io, MongoDB, MySQL, GraphQL, PWA, JavaScript, Ractive, Handlebars, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, LESS, Bootstrap, Tailwind, Semantic UI, PHP, RESTful API, jQuery, Git, Mongoose, NPM, NodeMailer, JSON, Redux, Vuex, Heroku, GeoLocation, Webpack, ESLint, UI/UX, Karma, Sinon, Mocha, Chai, Jest, Agile SDLC, Jenkins, AWS, Gaia, Slack, Symphony, Jira, Outlook, Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab, MacOS, Windows, VSCode, Sourcetree, Zoom, Spotify.